

    Your ERP Experts in Manufacturing

    Consulting, Innovation, Integration, and Education for SAP software. We make software work for you.

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    Charity & Community

    Charity & Community

    At Software Projects Consulting we believe
    in a cause.

    Charity & Community

    We strongly believe we have a moral, social, economic, and technological responsibility in supporting all life on this planet in an integrated and balanced way.
    Being successful, to us, means to achieve our goals in harmony with the environment and foster behaviour that does not exploit or abuse the world that surrounds us and those who live in it. We honor and express our gratitude for those working diligently in securing a peaceful and more fulfilling life for those less fortunate. For all those helpers that intervene, correct, and aid in causes to create balance between technology and nature, we like to say “THANK YOU.

    Get started today.

    If you think of a charity or cause that you believe in and that you would like to see receiving more support, please contact us and let’s explore how we can make a difference together.